Manjara Charitable Trust College of Law

(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Sector- 4, Airoli, Navi Mumbai 400708. INDIA
Admission Enquiry

Admission Inquiry Form

Internal Complaint Committee (Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee)

MCT College Of Law has adopted a zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment. The college has always taken strong initiatives to ensure that sexual misconduct should meet strict disciplinary action


  1. Comply with the provisions of the Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
  2. Develop and implement a policy against sexual harassment of women in the institution
  3. Evolve a permanent mechanism for prevention and prohibition of sexual harassment of women at Modern Law College
  4. Conduct inquiries into complaints of sexual harassment and provide redress for the same
  5. Create an environment conducive for the protection of women from sexual harassment at the workplace
  6. Undertake and promote various initiatives intended toward gender sensitization, gender equality, and upholding the dignity of women

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Sunita Adhav Principal, Modern Law College
2 Dr. Ananya Bibave Teaching Staff Representative
3 Dr. Shivanjali Bhoite Teaching Staff Representative
4 Mr. Kishor Thombare Non-Teaching Representative
5 Ms. Sakshi Tyagi Student Representative
6 Ms. Ankita Gupta Student Representative
7 Adv Sushama Kadam Expert
